wingsuit: across the volcano
Having just completed a world record jump in Switzerland, Oliver Furrer was looking for another adventure. His next challenge was to fly across an active volcano in his WingSuit, and the ‘Kilauea Caldera’ on the Big Island of Hawaii proved to be the right choice. After the last big eruption in 1985, the volcano had still been active and until today lava continues to float downhill into the sea.
As a result of the lava meeting with the sea, huge steam clouds are generated. It was this pure force of nature that inspired Oliver to fly overhead this tremendous spectacle. The idea was to glide over the lava area, fly right through the steam and land next to Highway 130. With the approval of the authorities, Oliver was able to make his jump. He took off in a Long Ranger Helicopter, climbing to 10’000 feet above sea level. Conditions were ideal, allowing him to cover a distance of 1.5 kilometres after exiting the helicopter. 132 seconds later and after a ride through the steam clouds, he deployed the main canopy and landed safely beside the highway - just feet away from the lava!
Flying over the beauty of the Hawaiian Island in his state-of-the art WingSuit made this jump unforgettable.